Teaching and learning

10 Nursery Trip Ideas to Inspire Your Next Day Out

Don’t tell anyone, but we’ve got 61 more too...
Two adults and a toddler going on a day out
September 8, 2017
Reading time:
a light bulb with the letter p inside it

a black and white image of two hearts

famly icon - piggy bank

a black and white image of two houses



a black and white image of a bunny and a bottle


a black and white heart icon

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There’s a bit of magic inside every day out with your nursery children. They inspire new interests, build confidence and can be the perfect springboard for hours of play once you’re back at the setting.

But sometimes we can all get stuck for a bit of inspiration. Rather than make the same old trips, why not take a look at this list and see if any take your fancy?

And if you like what you’ve seen, scroll down to the bottom for our guide with 61 more ideas. Yep – that’s 71 ideas for your next nursery trip. You’re welcome!

1. Fruit Picking

Nothing quite like fruit picking in the British summer! A fun activity for the little ones and an opportunity to show them exactly where their favourite fruit come from.

2. Local Football Club

Got some football mad little ones? Lots of football grounds will have tours set up for nursery trips. Who knows, they might even be allowed out onto the turf to score a goal in a real life goal!

3. The airport

Have you got an airport nearby? Lots of airports will have spots that you can park up and watch the planes go overhead. The kids will be transfixed seeing the planes taking off and you can play a guessing game about where they might be going!

4. Railway Station

Do you have a beautiful old school railway station? You don’t even have to get on the train (although why not take a little trip?). You can get the kid’s creative juices flowing and set up some cardboard trains for them to play with back at the setting.

5. It’s about the journey too!

The journey is one of the most important parts of any nursery trip. It’s one of the best ways for children to explore the world around them (safely of course). It’s also the perfect activity to make sure you add to a different type of journey.

6. Fire Station

What kid doesn’t want to climb into the fire engine and see the fireman’s pole? You’ll have no trouble the next time the local cat gets stuck up the tree once the little ones have been inspired by a visit to the fire station.

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7. The Park

Get those little bones moving! Taking the children out into a different environment and giving them a chance to play around in some big open space is a simple way of making a big difference to the level of care you’re giving.

8. The Post Office

Sorting letters, organising the parcels – it’s all part of some great role play that the kids can learn from and take back to the setting. As with everything here, setting up some areas so that you can expand on the learning can make a real difference.  

9. A local river

Rivers are also a great source of wildlife. You’ll have to be careful making sure the kids don’t go too close to the edge, but they’ll have fun seeing all the things that run down the stream.

10. Garden Centre

Some plant-based fun. Children get to see the range of beautiful plants on offer and a chance to learn about how plants grow out from the soil. Don’t forget to take some home – the children can learn by getting their hands dirty and planting them in your nursery garden.If you want a few more ideas for your next nursery trip, why not download our free guide for 61 more ideas to get those creative juices flowing. Just fill in your details on this page to receive your copy of the free guide.

The big ideas

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Please note: here at Famly we love sharing creative activities for you to try with the children at your setting, but you know them best. Take the time to consider adaptions you might need to make so these activities are accessible and developmentally appropriate for the children you work with. Just as you ordinarily would, conduct risk assessments for your children and your setting before undertaking new activities, and ensure you and your staff are following your own health and safety guidelines.

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