Teaching and learning

5 of The Finest Activities For Fine Motor Skills

Perfect exercises for little hands.
fine motor skills activities
August 3, 2017
Reading time:
a light bulb with the letter p inside it

a black and white image of two hearts

famly icon - piggy bank

a black and white image of two houses



a black and white image of a bunny and a bottle


a black and white heart icon

With Famly since

From pencil grasps and tying their shoes right up to the most extensive art projects, so many things in little ones’ lives involve dexterity. Time to make developing it as easy and enjoyable for them as possible.

Picture of two, baby hands

1. Finger Aerobics

The activityFinger Aerobics Exercises For Building Fine Motor Skills in The Classroom by The OT Toolbox

In a nutshell – Yes, that exists! And it’s a great brain break or a warm up for all the other activities that involve fine motor skills. Check out this overview of various exercises, they even include ‘spider push-ups’!

What you need

  • Ten Tiny Fingers

Step it up – Pair kids up so that they can become each other’s ‘personal trainers’ and improve their teamwork skills

Pictures of a playdough turkey

2. Playdough Turkeys

The activityFine Motor Turkeys with Playdough by This Reading Mama

In a nutshell – Get the kids to mould two playdough balls and stick several spaghetti noodles into the bigger one. Now help them form two eyes, a beak – and there you go, the turkey is ready to get spruced up! The little ones need to use their fine motor skills to string tiny, colourful beads on the delicate noodles without breaking them.

What you need

  • Playdough or Modelling Clay
  • Straws or Spaghetti Noodles
  • Plastic or Wooden Beads

Step it up – Instead of the beads, you can use penne noodles and let kids colour them up with some paint or spray.

Picture of a white hanger with clothes pegs

3. Clothespins on Hangers

The activity – Clothespins on Hangers by Erin Special Education

In a nutshell – This activity covers more than just the one EYFS area. Children get to write letters or numbers on clothes pegs to practice their writing and then hang them up on hangers to form words or other sequences. Practicing literacy and the fine motor skills required to operate these small items all at the same time.

What you need

  • Pens
  • Clothes Pegs
  • Hangers

Step it up – Dot the clothes pegs on the floor with some letters already written on them and let each kid choose a handful without sneaking a peek. Try to encourage them to form a word out of the random letters they picked.

Picture of a kid cutting paper rolls

4. Paper Roll Haircut

The activityCutting with Purpose- TP Roll Family Haircuts by A Crafty Living

In a nutshell – Your little learners get to be hairdressers for the day, and it’s a lot cheaper than getting them to practise their talents on the toys. Draw a simple face on each paper tube and show kids how to cut it into strips which they can stylise later. Developing their grip and cutting skills all at the same time.

What you need

  • Toilet Paper Tubes
  • Scissors
  • Pens

Step it up – Fine motor skills aside, this activity is also a chance to intertwine the Expressive Art and Design area, so why not use some modelling clay and decorate our tubular customers with fancy, doughy clothes?

Picture of colourful stripes of paper

5. Paper Weaving

The activityArt For Kids:Paper Weaving by Babble Dabble Do

In a nutshell – Cut slots with a knife in the paper (you can do it according to templates) and prepare some long paper strips. Walk kids through the steps of pulling the strips under and over alternate slots. Weaving paper to create colourful patterns not only develops their fine motor skills, but is great for their imagination.

What you need

  • Scissors
  • Coloured Paper
  • Hobby Knife

Step it up – To add a clearer purpose to this activity, you can use their masterpieces as placemats at lunchtime.

The big ideas

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Please note: here at Famly we love sharing creative activities for you to try with the children at your setting, but you know them best. Take the time to consider adaptions you might need to make so these activities are accessible and developmentally appropriate for the children you work with. Just as you ordinarily would, conduct risk assessments for your children and your setting before undertaking new activities, and ensure you and your staff are following your own health and safety guidelines.

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