Customisable registration forms

Easy nursery registration, full occupancy

Get unique registration forms to boost occupancy, and make enquiries painless.

Custom registration and enquiries

Complete control

Drag and drop over 30 form fields to build your own entirely unique forms.

Manage in minutes

Request documents, add Ts&Cs, sync to child profiles, and see all free spots.

Boost occupancy

Get key info on where parents found you, and stay on top of every enquiry.

Why use customisable registration forms?

Do more with registration forms

Go further than simple enquiries.

Custom enquiry forms

35 form fields

Want initial enquiry forms? Full registration? With 35 fields, it’s up to you.

Create custom mandatory fields

Mandatory questions & files

No back-and-forth. Request info up-front, and make questions and files mandatory.

Easily share custom forms

Download and duplicate

Share and duplicate forms across sites, and download responses in seconds.

Future availability - Famly

Catch every opportunity

Maximise occupancy and future availability

Stay on top of enquiries, registrations, learn where families find you, and pull info instantly.

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Future availability

All forms instantly pull to your database, so you can manage, see, and fill all future spaces.
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Target more families

Find out exactly where families found you, and what drew them to you - so you can target more.

A painless process

Get detailed enquiries in seconds

No double data entry, or chasing signatures. Get all info up-front, and add digital Ts&Cs.

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Mandatory questions

Never chase info again. Make any field mandatory, and get all details and documents up-front.
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Digital signatures

Add Ts&Cs so forms are part of nursery policies, and used as legally binding contracts.
digital signatures with Famly child care software
Registration form with Famly childminder software

Personalised nursery enrolment

Connect with families immediately

The easier and more personal your forms are, the more likely families are to use them.


Personalised fields & messages

Personalise welcome messages and fields, so you can show your ethos and build partnerships.
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Critical documents

Add, request, and share all critical documents for families to download, fill out, and re-upload.
comprehensive nursery software

It doesn’t stop at registration forms

Get dozens of other tools with the Famly platform - from sign-in screens to in-app payments.

Famly - Combined and easy enrollment
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Occupancy & attendance
Track sign ins, sign outs, stay in-ratio, and maximise your occupancy.
Purple icon - automatic staff ratios
Efficient staffing
Ensure you’re in ratio, share staff rotas and let staff request holiday.
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Easy finances
From debt management to in-app payments, finances just got simpler.
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Parent partnerships
Share activities, messages, reminders, and bring parents closer.
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Child development
With observations, posts, updates and what’s next, put children first.
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Daily logs
Document and share each child’s day, from daily diaries to medication.

Want to see custom registration forms in action?