With easy-to-use health records. Track every child’s immunizations, and stay inspection-ready.

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Immunization records with the Famly app

Frequently asked questions

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How does this help me meet childcare licensing requirements?

All immunization and physical exam records are digitized, and in one single place. And you get reminders of when doses are next due for each child. Which means you can stay on top of every state-required immunization, and prove your compliance to an inspector in seconds.

Which immunizations can I track?

All immunizations, and their dose timeframes, are based on the US Department of Health and Human Services CDC guidelines. These immunizations are specifically for children from birth to 6 years old.

Will I get reminders that a child is missing an immunization?

Absolutely! You’ll get an immunization update reminder in line with the CDC’s recommended timeframe, as well as reminders for flu shots and physical exam records depending on when children start at your center. So you don’t have to worry about not meeting childcare licensing requirements.

Can I mark children as exempt?

Yes, you can add documentation to show that a child is exempt from immunizations.

Can parents and families see the records?

Yes! Once you’ve uploaded documentation, families can see all immunizations - straight from their child’s profile. As you can’t meet childcare licensing requirements if families aren’t planning in upcoming immunizations or health checks!

It’s not just about childcare licensing requirements

Every feature to keep your center safe