Child development

Boost and record early child development

Make observations, assess children’s progress, and easily prioritize early child development.

UI from the platform showing functionality with Schemas, activity wall, New observations and more


Understand, document, and share early child development

Document development with the Famly app

Document development

Get observations, assessments, learning journals, reports, and more.

Assess children's progress

Assess children’s progress

Add preschool assessments, learning goals, and plan next steps.

Involve each family when using Famly's software

Build honest relationships

Let parents add observations, and extend the learning at home.

Put child development first

Prioritize each child’s learning journey

Progress reports with the Famly app


Target every learning area, and plan ahead

See how children are progressing, target learning areas, and get 100s of activity ideas.

Purple illustration of a chart

Progress reports

See all assessments, observations and reports, and see exactly where support is needed.
Purple illustration of a castle

Activity library & planner

Get 7,355 free activities that target learning areas and ages, and make activity schedules.


Observe and assess in seconds

Record every important moment, and easily carry out all your preschool assessments.

Purple illustration of a obeservations


Make on-the-go observations, complete with photos, reference materials, and next steps.
Purple illustration of assessment checks

Preschool assessments

Add assessments, tag learning areas, and track how every single child is progressing.
Observations with the Famly app
Support and boost staff skills


Support and boost staff skills

Support your staff in their daily practice, and boost their pedagogical skills.

Purple illustration of a book

Observation reviews

Edit and approve staff observations, and support your team's development.
Purple illustration of a wise owl

Pedagogical resources

Get pedagogical articles, guides and tips to train and improve your staff’s know-how.


And strengthen family connections

The more you and families work together, the easier it is to put their child’s needs first.

Purple illustration of a bell

Activity logs

Keep parents in the loop with daily updates, photos, videos, and observations.
Purple illustration of a people under a roof

Family observations

Let families upload their own observations, and continue the learning at home.
A child with yellow hoodie walking with blue boots. A couple of UI elements from the Famly app seen on the left and right

enrich child development

Every feature to put learning first

Pedagogy is the heart of your practice, so you need the right pedagogical tools.

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Digital learning journeys
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Next development steps
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In-app messaging
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Interactive newsfeed
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Reference material
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Activity logs
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Live video calls
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Group observations
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Progress reports
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Activity planner
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Live translation
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Observation reviews
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Preschool assessments
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Photos & videos
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Pedagogical resources


But we don’t stop at features

Famly Customer Service

Expect support you can count on

Nursery management is a team sport, and we’re in it together. Get a dedicated account manager to onboard and support you, and instant in-app support whenever you need it.

See our support options

And 100s of free resources

Completely free articles, step-by-step guides, videos, and interactive webinars on early years pedagogy - all to help you develop and share knowledge with your team.

Try our resources

“Beautiful learning journeys for our children including videos”

“The best educational platform so far”

“Parents feel involved in their child's learning”

5 yellow stars

Rachel H.

Preschool Director
5 yellow stars

Anilu V.

Early Childhood Specialist
5 yellow stars

Claire M.

Preschool Manager

Ready to manage staff and cut scheduling costs?

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